When it Comes to Pizza Crust, Organic is The Way to Go

Take away all of the delicious toppings from your favorite pizza. Take away the meats (or vegan meats!). Take away the baked veggies and the fresh basil. Take away the cheese and the sauce. What are you left with?


It all starts with crust, and in fact, a great pizza can’t be a great pizza without the perfect, crispy crust. It’s essential, and at The Pizza Plant, we take our crust very seriously. The crusts on our pizzas are USDA Certified Organic, plantbased, and as tasty as can be.

In making pizzas that are plantbased, healthy, and satisfying to the tastebuds, we’ve decided that Organic is the way to go.

For the perfect pizza, organic crust is a must.

What Does Organic Really Mean?

If you head to the produce section of your local grocery store, you’ll find that most fruits and vegetables come in two variations: inorganic and organic. At a first glance, it may seem that the only difference between an organic avocado and an inorganic one is the price, as organic options tend to cost slightly more. This may make you opt for the inorganic foods, or, rather, you may gravitate towards the organic options as you’ve been told that they’re better for you. But, what does organic really mean, and why is it the best choice when deciding which foods to eat?

Simply put, organic means that the food has been made without chemicals, pesticides, or other artificial agents. The U.S. Department of Agriculture regulates which foods can be deemed Organic, and have varying regulations for different types of foods (i.e., produce, meat, multi-ingredient foods, etc.). Organic foods are better for us because they are more nutrient rich and don’t contain harmful chemicals and GMOs that can cause damage to our bodies. Organic foods are also better for the environment, as organic farming prevents damage caused by pesticides and chemical fertilizers to local ecosystems.

Next time you’re deciding between an organic and inorganic avocado, you may want to opt for the organic one. Organic foods are better for both you and the planet.

How Do I Know If My Pizza Crust is Organic?

To ensure that your pizza crust is Organic, check the label. For a food to be labeled as Organic, it must first be approved by the USDA. Any foods that are labeled with a “USDA Organic” logo must contain 95% organically produced ingredients. Foods labeled as, “made with organic ingredients,” must contain at least 70% organic ingredients.

The Pizza Plant is USDA certified organic, meaning that our ingredients, including those in our pizza crust, are organic, healthy, and better for you and the environment. You can check out a full list of our pizza ingredients here.

What Makes The Pizza Plant Organic Pizza Crust Special?

We’re glad you asked! Our pizza crust is not only Organic, but mouth-wateringly good. We use Organic 00 Flour, which is a finely-ground, gold-standard flour. When combined with our other ingredients, that include organic safflower oil, organic active dry yeast, and organic brown sugar, the result is a crispy and delicious thin crust that acts as the perfect base for the rest of our tasty toppings.

Our organic pizza crust is certainly worth tasting, and you can try it with both of our signature, plantbased pizzas. For a plantbased pizza topped with vegan pepperoni, check out our Everything But the Hog Plantbased Pizza. For a plantbased version of an Italian sausage pizza, check out our Salsiccia Italiano Plantbased Pizza.

For all The Pizza Plant grocery locations and to find one near you, visit our store Locator page. To order nationwide shipping, visit our delivery page.

Remember to follow us on Instagram @thepizzaplantusa for drool-worthy pizza pics, perfect pizza pairings, new store distribution, and more!